Disclosure of Personal Information

Whole Person Health Trust strives to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information. For this reason, it takes any complaints that are received about very seriously. Whole Person Health Trust encourages people to bring any concerns to its attention if they think that the collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate.

Disclosure of personal information

Individuals can find out if Whole Person Health Trust holds any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’. If any information is held about you, it will:

  • give you a description of the information;
  • tell you why Whole Person Health Trust is holding it;
  • tell you who it may be disclosed to; and
  • let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.
  • If you wish to make a request to Whole Person Health Trust for any personal information it may hold, you will need to put the request in writing, addressing it to our Data Protection Officer at the address below. If you agree and once identification has been confirmed, Whole Person Health Trust will try to deal with your request informally, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone.

    If Whole Person Health Trust holds information you, you can ask us to correct any mistakes by, once again, contacting the Data Protection Officer.

    Links to other websites

    This privacy notice does not cover any links to other organisations that Whole Person Health Trust may add to its website. You are strongly advised to read the privacy notices of these organisations.

    How to contact us

    Please see our contact page for ways to get in touch.