The Whole Person Health Approach

Individuality and Listening

The Whole Person Health Approach extends the scientific humanistic care model delivery. By seeing the patient as an individual and listening to their unique story behind their illness, practitioners are able to refer the patient to further care. This can help the patient to gain a greater understanding of their own condition, enabling them to become an active part of their own treatment.

Patient-centred Approach

This approach includes any spiritual aspects associated with the illness and opens the door to examine where the individual’s spirituality and their sense of relationship, belongs within their treatment.

Models of Care

Various models have and are being used to deliver this approach. They range from accredited Christian counselling, Parish Nursing, and the pioneer work of the East London Diagnostic Clinics.

The East London Diagnostic Clinics

The East London Diagnostic Clinics proved beneficial beyond the practices and into the surrounding communities. As spiritual practitioners attached to the clinics began to see their community through new eyes, they collaborated to develop the Sure Start scheme creating a larger value-added element to the project.

The Future

As more and more like-minded Chrisitan entrepreneurs within the medical and social care services step forward to work in unity and use their faith to the benefit of their patients, the Whole Person Health Approach has the potential to reach beyond the individual and transform their surrounding communities.